How Intermittent Fasting Helped Me Lose 10 Pounds

In this blog I share the ways intermittent fasting helped me lose 10 pounds! Check it out

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Ricky Grabow
5 Movements That Target the Abs

As a trainer, one of the most requested muscle groups to target during a workout is the core, more specifically the notorious ab muscles. Lets take a look at 5 movements that do an effective job at targeting the core.

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Ricky Grabow
How a Good Workout Made a Bad Day Better

Have you ever arrived at the gym in a bad mood? Maybe something happened that caused you to react in a negative manner before your workout.

A bad mood is the worst, and if you have ever come in to a workout in a bad mood, chances are you know that a challenging workout can turn that bad mood around quickly. Read up on why working out in this situation is absolutely the right choice!

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Ricky Grabow
Strength Training for Overall Health

When most people think of strength training they think of big bodies lifting heavy weight constantly putting strain and stress on their body through grueling workouts.

While this can definitely be a way of training that some people enjoy, others may not find the clangin’ and bangin’ of weights enjoyable.

Luckily, strength training can be done in a variety of ways. Click ahead to learn how strength training can benefit you and almost everyone!

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Ricky Grabow