Our Story

Peak Physique started in the basement of an apartment in early 2015. Although the facility was small, it was comfortable and welcoming. Members of the original facility loved the privacy and exclusivity of their sessions. 

After 2 years of hard work and devotion from Peak Members, Peak was afforded the opportunity to expand! In the spring of 2017 Peak Physique moved into 8303 W Becher Street, its very first retail space! 

In the spring of 2019 the neighboring store front at 8307 W Becher Street became available allowing Peak Physique to yet again expand its operation.

This expansion allowed Peak Physique to add a lot of amazing features!

So far the new facility has been great! Peak is already growing into the space but, the next paragraph is yet to be written! We hope you can join and be a part of it, because its going to be the best one yet.