5 Ways Coffee Is Making You Fat

By Ricky Grabow

Overall coffee has a reputation as a relatively healthy beverage that even has a few benefits, but is it actually plaguing your health and making you put on weight?

You might be surprised to learn consuming coffee could be the underlying cause for joint pain, chronic fatigue, weight gain and even low Lobito.

It may seem over the top to suggest coffee could have such a dramatic impact, but the way most people consume coffee is highly excessive and abusive.

Lets define excessive: If you consume coffee everyday without question, anytime after 2pm, or in amounts of over 2 cups a day you are drinking excessive amounts and its likely plaguing your health and making you put on weight. How though?

  1. Coffees with creamer and or milk included have a lot of added calories and additives. These extra calories add up when consumed daily, especially if you dine out for your coffee. If you are consuming these coffees daily you have a habit similar to drinking a sugary soda! Cut the creamer and milk to reduce your daily calories significantly!

  2. If you consume coffee after 2pm it is likely having a negative impact on your R.E.M. cycle sleep. Muscle repair and growth occur during deep sleep (REM sleep) due to the natural release of growth hormone. If you are consuming coffee late in the day its likely you aren’t getting a lot of, if any R.E.M. sleep.

  3. Overconsumption of coffee makes you jittery and stressed.

    When your body is constantly overstimulated and stressed, you begin to over produce the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol makes you fat by increasing your insulin levels creating an around the clock appetite for sugar.

    Elevated cortisol levels can cause thinning skin, muscle wasting, memory loss, high blood pressure, and excessive facial hair. Nope!

  4. Drinking coffee is adding a lot of sugar to your diet(unless you drink it black)

    Just like coffee can add calories to your diet, if drank with creamers, and sweeteners, it can add a ton of sugar to your diet. Some of the most popular options at coffee chains contain over 40 grams of sugar.
    Consuming such large amounts of sugar will create a vast amount of health problems down the road, specifically diabetes and heart disease.

  5. Coffee overconsumption leads to adrenal burnout.

    If you are consuming over 2 cups of coffee a day, you are at risk of overworking your adrenal glands. Overworked adrenals can’t produce hormones in sufficient amounts or can’t utilize the hormones they do produce. Adrenal burnout slows your metabolism making your tired all the time and generally unwell. Who would’ve thought coffee would make you tired in the long run?

Anything in excess is a violation of the law of nature. Daily coffee consumption is an example of this type of violation. All violations of the laws of nature come with a cost.

If you struggle to lose weight, are experiencing unexplained weight gain, are constantly battling fatigue, or have unexplained aches and pain I suggest you give coffee a break for two weeks and see how you feel.

Quitting will be hard, but isn’t that a sign of addiction anyway? If you need the caffeine drink black tea and ditch the coffee.

You may just find doing so will recharge your body and give you the energy you have been missing for so long.
PS- If this works for you I want to hear about it! Email me at rgrabow@mketrainer.com and let me know the impact quitting coffee had on your body!

Ricky Grabow