Bob Harpers 20 Rules of Dieting

With the holidays approaching, I thought now would be a good time to revisit Bob Harpers 20 rules of dieting. These rules encapsulate all of the things that one should do to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle! Enjoy! (I highly recommend the book these rules come from: “The Skinny Rules” by Bob Harper)

Bob Harpers 20 Rules Of Dieting

1. Drink a large glass of water BEFORE Every meal-No Excuses! 20 ounces every meal will help get you full much faster!

2. Don't Drink Your Calories. No more soda’s, high calorie coffee’s, energy drinks, sports drinks, and fruit juices. Water, tea, and coffee without additives are all perfectly acceptable!

3. Eat Protein at EVERY Meal -or stay hungry & grouchy! If you are wondering how much protein you should consume, Harper believes you should divide your weight by 2 and that is the number of grams of protein you should consume in a day!

4. Slash Your Intake of Refined Flours & Grains. Any reduction is a positive gain in your battle with weight loss.

5. Eat 30-50 grams of FIBER per day! Fiber is a key to healthy dieting! Try your best to get your fiber from fruits and vegetables!

6. Eat Apples & Berries Every single day- Yes, EVERY-SINGLE-DAY! Here is a great source of fiber so if you use berries and apples to help get your 30-50 grams of fiber you can scratch off rules 5 and 6!

7. NO Carbs after Lunch ( eat 'lean & green' at night) Very challenging but if you do it for a month, it’s a habits so hang in there!

8. Learn to Read Food Labels so You know what you are eating! Foods high in Carbs, Saturated Fat, Trans Fat, Sodium, and Cholesterol should be scratched off your list immediately!

9. Stop Guessing about Portion Size & Get it Right-for good! This is the BIGGEST diet killer out there! Measure foods out at dinner(where most people slip) and drink water to dull hunger.

10. No more added sweetners-including artificial ones! Try truvia as an alternative!

11. Get rid of White potatoes! There are many sweet potato recipes out there and most of them are delicious!

12. Make one day a week Meatless.

13. Get rid of Fast foods & fried foods. If you get a craving on your way home from work, stop at the grocery store and get the same ingredients and save 200 plus calories.

14. Eat a REAL breakfast. Make it a high protein breakfast with a big glass of water!

15. Make Your own food and eat at least ten meals a week at home. Plan the meals out on Sunday if you are busy during the week!

16.. Banish High Salt Foods. These foods will cause hypertension which in the long run can lead to a heart attack, no thanks!

17. Eat Your Vegetables-(no excuses)- Just DO it! Juice them, blend them into smoothies, whatever it takes!

18.Go to bed hungry! All about self-control, plain and simple!

19. Sleep Right! Challenge your physical limits at the gym and this part is easy!

20. Plan one splurge MEAL per week. One treat meal, where you eat your favorite unhealthy food and maybe slurp your favorite high calorie beverage! 20 rules to live by! Doesn’t sound too hard, if you are truly serious about looking and feeling your best!

If you know you will need some accountability to follow these rules and you live in the Milwaukee area, please contact us, and we would be happy to help!!

Ricky Grabow