What Are We Up to in 2020?
Its a new year, and we have some fun plans already in place for 2020! To keep you up to speed, listed below are a few events that Peak Physique and our members are already planning on doing this year. Check them out, and please let me know if you have any questions or would like to get involved!
Pat’s Healthy Cooking Class
February 22nd | 1 p.m.
The great Pat Molter will be leading a series of three great healthy cooking classes in 2020, each of them different! More details to come!
Knee Pain Clinic
February 29 | 12pm
Adam Cosson from Elite Sport and Spine will be coming to the gym to host a FREE clinic on knee pain management. He will also be doing some hands-on techniques to teach us ways we can keep our knees healthy outside of training sessions!
Spring MEPs Challenge
March 1-May 31
Stay motivated through the spring with this newly unleashed spring MEPs challenge!. Similar to last year, members will be grouped in teams of 4, and the team with the most MEPs will win a Summer VIP Tour put together by Peak Physique!
Cream City 5K
April 25
This will be our fifth year participating in the Cream City 5K, and I am so pumped to be giving this a go again. I hope we have our biggest group yet! Reserve your spot today! Our team will be set up before the end of the month: the Peak Physique All-Stars! More details to come!
River Edge Bike Ride
Date TBD!
A fun bike ride across the Southeastern Wisconsin Country side! This is a great event if you are an avid rider and want to ride as a group. Pick any distance from 6 miles to 100 miles!
Pat’s Healthy Cooking Class
June 20
The great Pat Molter will be leading a series of three great healthy cooking classes in 2020, each of them different! More details to come!
Peak Physique Fantasy Football Draft
September 6
Reserve the date today for the annual fantasy football draft! The league is cut off at 14 teams, and I hope you can be a part of this fun league, reserve your spot ASAP!
Great Pumpkin Run
Date TBD!
We will be attending the annual pumpkin run at Swan park in the fall! Date to TBD!
Toys for Tots
Nov. 1-Dec. 10
Peak Physique will be a toy donation site for Toys for Tots in 2020! Let’s get in the holiday spirit by giving back when and where we can!
Pat’s Holiday Cooking Class
November 7
The great Pat Molter will be leading a series of three great healthy cooking classes in 2020, each of them different! More details to come!
2020 Holiday Party
January 9 at Peak Physique
Book it today! Be sure to attend the annual Peak Physique holiday party, one of the most fun events we have all year!