Five Steps to Mastering Your Health as a Senior


As we age, we gain the hard-won wisdom that life has to offer. Many of us realize we need to take better care of ourselves than we did in our youths. Thankfully, there are steps you can pursue to raise your emotional and physical health.


Work Out Smarter


Staying active only becomes more important over the years. Not only does it keep our bodies in good shape, prevent illness, and keep us mobile, but it also protects our minds. Also, those who have a fitness regimen are less likely to develop dementia. It does not need to be a strenuous exercise routine, either — even walking quickly through the park for a mile a day can be all you need to stay healthy and feel revitalized. If you need something easier on your joints, try swimming. There are lessons you can take if you aren't comfortable starting a regimen on your own. It only takes about half an hour a day to keep your body in good shape.


Sleep Better


Some suggest we need less sleep the older we get, but this isn't true. Most adults, regardless of age, need seven to eight hours of sleep every night. Without that amount, we are more likely to suffer from illness and accidents. Worse, we increase our risk of developing depression. If you have trouble sleeping, it's time to take an active approach to improve the rest you get. Put comfort first, as pain is likely to wake us. Find a sleep position that feels good, and stick with it. You may need pillows under your knees or torso to relieve strain. Try sleeping in a sitting-up position for optimum comfort. Experiment until you find something that works well for you.


Supplement Your Diet


Just as with exercising, eating healthily becomes more important. Our bodies may not absorb nutrients the way they used to, so all of our food needs to count. We also may need to reduce our caloric intake to prevent weight gain, but we also can't afford to skip meals and snacks. Supplements are one way to ensure we get the vitamins, protein, and minerals we require. This is especially true if we find ourselves experiencing low energy. However, before buying a supplement, ask yourself what you need. A boost in the afternoon, or one that lasts throughout the day? How do you want to get those nutrients? Would you prefer a pill, a quick shot, or a delicious shake? Do you need something that lowers anxiety or improves mood? Decide what would be best for you, and then add it to your diet.


Start a Hobby


Developing a hobby is not only fun, but it's also good for us, too. They keep us occupied, which is a blessing once we retire. Having a routine activity may help our minds stay sharp and improve our concentration. They're also relaxing and a way to healthily lower stress. They don't have to cost a dime, either. Look what your community or senior center offers. There may be free classes you can take, or you could start volunteering at a local charity or museum. Join a club, or even start playing games on a computer. Keep trying until you find something you love.


Stay Social


Meeting new people can be difficult, but an engaging social life is important to our overall well-being. It keeps our moods positive, health good, minds clear, and aids in sleep. Of course, if family and friends live far away, this can be hard. Try a class at your senior center. This could even become the new hobby you choose. Volunteering is, again, a good avenue to meet new people. Attend religious ceremonies and worship to meet like-minded people. Isolation can be overcome, and there are many options available for people from all walks of life.


So much of the hustle and bustle of modern living can impact our mental and physical health. Yet, by making a concerted effort, we can thrive at any age. Commit time each day to treat yourself the way you deserve to be treated.


Image courtesy of Pixabay

Ricky Grabow