Christmas Holiday Off-Day Workouts



Tuesday, Dec. 26th


Warm-Up- 5 minutes

Run Through 4 moves continuously for 5 straight minutes

5/leg Frankensteins
10 Squats
10 Inchworms
10(5/arm) T-Planks

Workout- Resistance Training

Complete 5 sets, 1-5, as fast as possible, and record time! We will attempt this again on Thursday, while attempting to beat your time from today's workout!

Beginner 10 reps
Intermediate- 15 reps
Expert- 20 reps

1. Burpees
2. Lunges or Lunge Jumps
3. Push-Ups
4. Mountain Climbers(10/leg, 15/leg or 20/leg)
5. Leg Raises

After workout complete- Wall Sit


Beginner 1 min
Intermediate- 3 mins
Expert- 5 mins


Wednesday, Dec 27th


Warm-Up- Repeat 2 times

1. 15/leg Knee tucks
2. 10 Squats
3. 5 Inchworm/Cobra
4. 10/leg Lunge/Twists
5. 40 Jumping Jacks


Workout- Intervals

Repeat Each Set 3 times, before moving on to the next


Set 1- 20 Squats or Squat Jumps/ 10/arm T-Planks
Set 2- 20 Forward Lunges or Lunge Jumps/30(15/side) Bicycle Crunches
Set 3- 10/15/20 Push-Ups/15/leg Stationary Side Lunges
Set 4- 50- (25/leg) Mtn climbers)/10 5/side- Windshield Wipers

After Workout complete- Final Countdown-

Track Your Time, We will try this again Friday. Complete as fast as possible

10 Squat Jacks/10 Leg Raises
9 Squat Jacks/9 Leg Raises
8 Squat Jacks/8 Leg Raises
7 Squat Jacks/7 Leg Raises
6 Squat Jacks/6 Leg Raises
5 Squat Jacks/5 Leg Raises
4 Squat Jacks/4 Leg Raises
3 Squat Jacks/3 Leg Raises
2 Squat Jacks/2 Leg Raises
1 Squat Jacks/1 Leg Raises

Thursday Dec. 28th

Warm-Up- 5 minutes

Run Through 4 moves continuously for 5 straight minutes

5/leg Frankensteins
10 Squats
10 Inchworms
10(5/arm) T-Planks

Workout- Resistance Training

Complete 5 sets, 1-5, as fast as possible, and record time! We will attempt this again on Thursday, while attempting to beat your time from today's workout!

Beginner 10 reps
Intermediate- 15 reps
Expert- 20 reps

1. Burpees
2. Lunges or Lunge Jumps
3. Push-Ups
4. Mountain Climbers(10/leg, 15/leg or 20/leg)
5. Leg Raises

After workout complete- Wall Sit


Beginner 1 min
Intermediate- 3 mins
Expert- 5 mins

Friday Dec. 29th

Warm-Up- Repeat 2 times

1. 15/leg Knee tucks
2. 10 Squats
3. 5 Inchworm/Cobra
4. 10/leg Lunge/Twists
5. 40 Jumping Jacks

Repeat this Circuit Continuously Until You’ve Earned 100 MEP’s or 300 reps

1. 15 Burpees

2. 15/leg Speed Skaters

3. 15 Inchworms

4. 15/leg Mtn Climbers

5. 15 Squat Jacks

After Workout complete- Final Countdown-

Track Your Time, We will try this again Friday. Complete as fast as possible

10 Squat Jacks/10 Leg Raises
9 Squat Jacks/9 Leg Raises
8 Squat Jacks/8 Leg Raises
7 Squat Jacks/7 Leg Raises
6 Squat Jacks/6 Leg Raises
5 Squat Jacks/5 Leg Raises
4 Squat Jacks/4 Leg Raises
3 Squat Jacks/3 Leg Raises
2 Squat Jacks/2 Leg Raises
1 Squat Jacks/1 Leg Raises

Ricky Grabow