What is a Detox Cleanse

Good Detox Cleanse vs. Bad Detox Cleanse

First off, I believe anyone who doesn’t have special diet restrictions should perform a detox cleanse at least once a year. A detox cleanse put simply is a temporary diet modification in which you reduce the foods you eat to their most basic state (Fruits/Vegetables) with the goal of eliminating toxic materials from your body.

Most of us walk around with excess waste in our digestive and endocrine systems. An increased consumption of fiber and water, along with a reduction in waste foods will allow those systems to flush the wastes out of your body.

The most important factor in doing a cleanse is that you take the time to pick a safe cleanse, and learn how to follow the rules of the cleanse correctly. Doing so could really have a positive impact on your health.

The Benefits of a Detox Cleanse

  • Improved Digestion
  • Increased Energy
  • Weight Loss
  • Better Sleep
  • Boosts Immune System

What a Good Cleanse Looks Like

  • Cleanse encourages you to consume natural foods.
  • Cleanse doesn’t include several supplements that are manufactured at God knows where. As Jack Lalanne said, “If it's touched by the hand of man, you can’t trust it.”
  • Cleanse has a goal plan to go along with it. A good cleanse will tell you when to start and finish, and exactly what foods to eat
  • Cleanse eliminates sugar consumption. When it boils down to it, us Americans eat too much sugar. A good cleanse will have you off of sugar completely at some point.

What a Bad Cleanse Looks Like

  • The cleanse deprives you of food. What I mean by this is, the cleanse asks you to starve or fast at any point.
  • The cleanse requires you to purchase or use several supplements. Going back to the Jack Lalanne saying. People from Advocare hate when I use that quote, but most also know it to be true! Keep it natural people.
  • The cleanse has you using an appetite suppressor. Again, keep it natural. Just like with exercise, a cleanse is about making sacrifice to achieve an ultimate goal. Using an appetite suppressor is telling yourself, “you can’t do it on your own” and that is setting yourself up for failure immediately.
  • The cleanse doesn’t sound good to you for whatever reason. If the cleanse sounds too hard, look to a different one. Pick something you know you can do!